What is eI4Africa?
eI4Africa was a FP7 project funded by the European Commission (DG CONNECT) with the aim of boosting the Research, Technological Development and Innovation (RTDI) potential of African e-Infrastructures and to support policy dialogues and Euro-African cooperation in the framework of the joint Africa-EU Strategic Partnership. The project ended in October 2014.
eI4Africa main outcomes
eI4Africa produced important outcomes for supporting the developments of e-Infrastructures in Africa:
- An extensive state of the art of e-Infrastructure applications in Africa.
- The eI4Africa Project Wall showcasing 34 e-Infrastructure projects in Africa.
- Studies assessing the economic, societal and environmental impacts of e-infrastructures.
- Recommendations to application developers along an empirical 5-step approach.
- The first ever Africa Grid Science Gateway, a portal for researchers to access a wealth of e-Infrastructures applications in an easy and user-friendly way.
- Technical support to deploy certification authorities (CAs) and Identity Federations (IdFs) across Africa.
- The identification and support to flagship demonstrators.
- Demonstration of a new paradigm for broadband rural deployment through the Serengeti Broadband Network (Tanzania).
- The reinforcement of Africa-EU cooperation through four major workshops in Malawi, Rwanda, Nigeria and Tanzania.
- 44 recommendations to policy makers for speeding up the development of impactful e-Infrastructures in the continent.
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Release of the fourth issue of the MED-Dialogue project e-Ne...The MED-Dialogue project is very pleased to announce the release of its e-Newsletter Issue #4.... |
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Mark your calendar! CHAIN-REDS Project Final Conference R...The CHAIN-REDS EU-funded project is very pleased to invite you to its final conference, organised... |
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Proceedings – “e-Infrastructures for Africa: Gat...Presentations of the e-Infrastructures for Africa: Gateways to the Future conference (October 29, 2014 –... |
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“e-Infrastructures for Africa: Gateways to the Future̶...The joint eI4Africa and iMENTORS conference ”e-Infrastructures for Africa: Gateways to the Future” was successfully... |
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WACREN 2015 Annual Conference (March 12-13, 2015) – CA...[ March 12, 2015 9:00 am toto March 13, 2015 9:00 am] WACREN is organizing... |
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